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Urban Fox

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Urban Fox

  • Never2Old2Learn

    When opening the blinds this morning, spotted the Fox on the top of our garden shed.
    Grabbed the camera, quick lens change (no time for tripod) and fired off some hand held shots. Had to shoot through the window which was a bit misty after a damp cold night. Here’s 3 of the better shots.


    Lovely to see this. No.1 is my favourite, it looks like it was so relaxed there, curled up in its brush before you woke it up! It looks like it is frowning at you for doing so :evil: Amazing how versatile they are, you never imagine a dog-like animal to climb up on the roof of a shed. You could put some food out if you want to try some more photographs, often they’re creatures of habit and use the same paths regularly.

    miki g

    A lovely creature to greet you first thing in the morning and nicely captured too considering having to change lens and get the camera ready. Well done

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