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Studio course

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Studio course

  • I really need to learn about studio work. I’m teaching myself at the moment, and I’m going to rent a studio for a day sometime in the next two weeks, but I would like to do a course during the summer to help. I’m searching online for studio courses in Ireland, but I can’t seem to find any.

    Anyone know if there is any studio courses happening during the summer?


    Hi Rob,
    Not sure if There is any courses around on studio work but what I do is I go into a local professional photographer and help him out with setting up lighting and backdrops and all that sort of thing for family potraits and other kind of studio shots. I dont get paid or anything but its great experience and I have learned a lot from doing it.


    Hi Robert. I did a half day studio course with Dave McKane of The Institute of Photography some time ago and found it to be very good. Excellent hand outs,techniques well explained and a model available to work with. Check out his website Good luck with your course :-)


    Ucc run a course on product photography?

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