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PI Dublin & Nationwide Night Shoot Event !

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PI Dublin & Nationwide Night Shoot Event !

  • shutterbug

    Glad you enjoyed it Esther :) good to meet you too and look forward to
    future events!


    Thanls Jenny for making the effort to organise the trip. Great turnout too, given the weather, so well done to everyone who made the trip. We should do another in a few weeks!


    b318isp wrote:

    Thanls Jenny for making the effort to organise the trip. Great turnout too, given the weather, so well done to everyone who made the trip. We should do another in a few weeks!

    Thanks for turning up :) and glad you enjoyed it, hopefully the Christmas lights will entice a few in to meet up again!


    Developed negatives from two of the three rolls I shot are hanging to dry as I type. The group shot is on one of the rolls, and hope to post it up along with some images from the nights shooting, this evening or in the morning.

    I enjoyed the evening, and wonder if there’s enough interest, would people be interested in making it a monthly thing ?

    Obviously doesn’t have to be confined to night shooting, but rather a meetup each month to shoot, with the option for people to dip in/ out each month, as interest in the subject that month dictates.

    On a related note, I’ve just started a thread (what-pi-events-would-you-like-to-see-t41115.html) to see what PI events people are interested in seeing, and perhaps this can provide some impetus and inspiration and see what people are interested in to get out there and shoot..


    Good stuff Damien, cant wait to see what you got.

    Maybe the first Monday of the month could be a starting point, good idea though it might get
    the juices flowing a bit.


    Hi Jenny

    Have to admit I was one of those put off by the weather, not sure these old ‘bones would stand up to the wet conditions,

    Glad to see you have a decent turnout. There are some great shots on the site and congrats to you for organising the event.

    Hopefully there will be more, I notice one of the group has in mind a night photography group, this would appeal to me

    as there is strength in numbers and one would feel much safer in such a group.

    Must keep an eye on the site more often now that wife is recovering well following a replacement ankle operation

    with mise doing all the cooking etc.


    Hi! Here’s one of the shots I took. I was trying to be original. Did anybody else find this bored fellow?


    Shame you missed it Eddie, look forward to meeting you on the next one :)

    Well done Esther, I didnt see him at all, well spotted :)


    Thanks Jenny!, I’m always looking for this type of thing. Must find that graffiti you were telling me about soon!


    Here’s a few of mine:


    Wow, they’re brilliant! I specially like the fourth one


    Good stuff, love the close up of the convention centre, managed to get all the different
    colours in it, cool! the deserted street is nice too. Great to see all the different
    interpretations and views.


    Great set, #4 my fav,followed by 1….!!

    Cheers Steve


    Thanks Guys. There were only about 12 shots that I was happy with from the whole shoot!


    Great shots all !.

    Unfortunately the Cork contingent including myself were/are still suffering from various ailments and
    didn’t make it outside for any photos. Another time though !

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