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Peace Bridge in Derry

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Peace Bridge in Derry

  • pfrench1977

    Only new to photography within the last few months, not really happy with the first picture, I think there may have been a small bit of camera shake when I pressed the shutter release button and it just didnt seem to come out as clear as I would have liked. Didnt have much time when taking these pictures, so hoping to get back there soon to try out some more shots when I have a bit more time. Ill be using a 2 second timer delay the next time.

    Peace Bridge in Derry by Peter French, on Flickr

    Peace Bridge in Derry by Peter French, on Flickr


    I like the composition of the first image, great colours and reflections
    in the water. I always find bridges make for good images, use a shutter
    release or timer will reduce camera shake, not that it looks bad at all.


    Thanks for the positive feedback Gerard and Jenny!!
    I actually have a remote shutter release ordered which will hopefully help a lot, the problem with the 2 second timer on mmy camera is that it resets on every picture.

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