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New at Ze Ranch – Siskin

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New at Ze Ranch – Siskin

  • nfl-fan

    Was thrilled to have a new breed of bird visit nfl-ranch earlier this week… and they’ve fit right in… taking no notice of me whatsoever in me little camo chair hide.

    I’ll get me anorak now.


    Nice one John. I have yet to see any in my garden.
    Temperature must be dropping down your way if you need to go get your anorak :lol: :lol: …../Mikka


    i love this shot !! nice and sharp and nice colours too..can I ask what lens have you used ?


    Cheers folks.

    I have yet to see any in my garden

    First time seeing them at the new place and we’ve been there 15 months now. They’ve been back every day since, feeding on the nyger seeds, so delighted with that.

    can I ask what lens have you used

    Canon 100-400 L taken 400mm F5.6


    BTW: Get to ALDI… seeds, nuts, fat balls, meal worms et al going for cheap. I got some meal worms, poured boiling water over them and left them to sit for 20-30 mins to re-hydrate them… kinda like a Pot Noodle for birds… birds seemed to like ’em too.

    If there’s a Petmania close to you they’re doing a new brand called “O’Keefes”. Cheaper than the other brands and seem to be good quality of product too.


    These are all great-
    You must have enough for your own Book of Birds at this stage-


    Oohh pretty, and congratulations on your new arrivals, very nice shot.
    They seem to have deserted me this year, the goldfinches have taken over,
    have about 12 to 15 of them fighting over food every day!


    Merci beaucoup mon ami’s!


    Nice pic John.
    Somethimes Siskin visit our garden,this year never see them.
    For last tree weeks regular visitors are Redpolls. Every day 4-7 birds “attacking” the feeder,Nyger seed inside.
    No goldfinch and greenfinch.

    I got some meal worms, poured boiling water over them and left them to sit for 20-30 mins to re-hydrate them…

    Good job.Need to try too.Have meal worms.



    4 Siskins have been visiting daily… I think 2 male and 2 female. Didn’t spot them yesterday… so I hope they haven’t fled.

    No Redpolls down my way at all… only one sighting and that was when the house was being built… 2 years back.

    Like Jenny lots of Goldfinches here too… a pack of 7 visit daily, squabbling amongst themselves.

    Tree Sparrows are digging the nyger seed too… was surprised by that. They seem to have a slightly different diet to their 1st cousins, the House Sparrow.

    Them feckin Bullfinches though… driving down the lane a few weeks back and I spot one. I stop the car, roll down the window and there she is perched on a briar 8-9 feet away not a bother… grr… they always show up when I’m least prepared. Can’t get them to the feeders at all.

    I defo be getting me Anorak now.


    Love the colours, real sense of warmth and life. Must start looking out my window more and might see something other than angry jackdaws

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