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My attempt at a portrait…

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My attempt at a portrait…

  • Mark

    …or person shot. Not my forte, much find some books on the subject.
    Let me have it Ciaran :lol:


    I think the expression is priceless :lol: Might benefit from cropping to remove the blown sky and whacking up the contrast a bit…



    Thanks Lor,

    I’ll give that a shot and see how I get on


    I think Lorraine has pretty much said it all. Compositionally it’s great and his expression is great, so well done on capturing it. When all is said and done, shooting people is usually about capturing a special moment and you’ve definitely done it here. The shot does need more contrast, but nothing a quick levels adjustment wouldnt fix – drag in the black point quite a bit.

    As for the blown sky, ideally it wouldn’t be there, but I think cropping it out will change the shot for the worst in terms of feel and composition. It’s too late now, but if you get a chance to shoot something like this again, either try and avoid sky in the shot or use flash. That way you can use the camera to expose for the background and ambient light and the flash to expose for the subject.

    Nice shot :)


    Changed the contrast, a bit better I think. :)


    Contrast is much better on the second shot, could do with a tad more. Maybe!

    I think if you cropped off to where…like…The grass just starts underneath the football. You’ll have a lot more impact I think!

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