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Le Parkour

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Le Parkour

  • earthairfire

    “Le Parkour”

    Le Parkour or l’art du d?placement (English: the art of movement) is a physical art of French origin in which the participant ? called a traceur ? attempts to pass obstacles in the fastest and most direct manner possible. The obstacles can be anything in the environment, so parkour is often practiced in urban areas because of many suitable public structures, such as buildings, rails and walls.

    Hoping to get some more of these guys “in action” in the near future.

    C&C Welcome.



    In Belfast that is called getting away.
    I think that you have caught the action well I have seen this sort of thing a few times and they are bouncing of everything so weel done.


    Nice conversion, but the framing lets this one down for me. He’s jumping out of the frame and you’re left looking at more of his side and back than his front. Had you been a couple of feet more left and perhaps get your perspective lower than eye level, it would have made for a more dramatic shot. This is probably the weakest shot I’ve seen from you of the ones you got on the weekend.


    Thanks guys.

    Ciaran – all valid points, and taken on board.

    I got a cracking shot of one of the other guys (from a compositional point of view) but I underestimated how fast he was moving, and hence he’s not sharp :(

    I got their details, so am gonna try and get some more shots with them at a later date… Watch this space!



    Shame it’s not more dramatic (angle/composition, slight blur to show movement…?)… I’ve not seen anyone doing this stuff around Dublin but I did see the program on BBC several months ago (probably about a year ago now) with the ‘founders’ of the sport… crazy stuff. I remember them springing up vertical shafts in between brick walls, jumping from rooftops, and a particularly breath-taking moment with one of them running along the roof of the millennium stadium in cardiff, as it was opening, and jumping across the gap (which was probably 6 foot or so, but no safety net so you wouldn’t want your runners to slip on take-off!).

    So anyway, would love to see more, I think is my point :-)



    Scary stuff.

    The fact that there’s someone around taking photographs might or would inspire them to greater heights, and therefore into feats involving greater danger.

    Who’s responsible? Who’s to blame?

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