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How much to charge for a commissioned piece?

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How much to charge for a commissioned piece?

  • MikeCel

    Hi all,

    I’ve recently been asked to take a photo for an interior designer. She wants a photo of a specific spot with a specific mood to it e.g. no sunset.

    This is the first time that I’ve been asked to do anything like this and I’m at a loss as to what I should charge. I don’t know yet whether this is meant to be a once-off piece but any guidance on pricing would be greatly appreciated!





    It would depend on which of these boxes…

    .. she would want you to tick.

    Because the more boxes that someone would want you to tick, the more they will usually be willing to pay you – for the Rights to use your work.

    Irrespective of how much it costs you to do the work.


    Ashley wrote:

    It would depend on which of these boxes…

    .. she would want you to tick.

    Because the more boxes that someone would want you to tick, the more they will usually be willing to pay you – for the Rights to use your work.

    Irrespective of how much it costs you to do the work.

    Thanks for your reply, Ashley. I’m just starting in the business and because I’m self-taught and completely solo these contributions are really invaluable to me.

    I assumed that I would get an alert of some kind when someone replied to my post, but I didn’t, so that’s why I’m only getting back to you now.

    I’m currently taking interior shots for a holiday home company. I’m a private contractor and I have not signed any agreement with the company. They are based in the UK but, I think, registered in Ireland. Do I own the copyright to the images?

    Thanks again,


    MikeCel wrote:

    Do I own the copyright to the images?

    In a word, Yes – especially since you have not signed any agreement beforehand.

    Which means all that they are actually agreeing to pay you for at this point in time, is for the Rights to use your images, AFTER you have agreed to hire yourself to create them.

    So just clearly state the facts, went you let them know what the fee would be for the Rights to use your images, after you have created them:

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