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  • assorti

    What do ye think about HDR? Do ye like this type of pictures?


    I love HDR shots.
    This is very good, the sunlit buildings look really good and rich. The sky is the only problem for me. Its too dark for the rest of the scene. Might be worth trying to lighten



    This is one picture where HDR has not much too offer in my opinion. The sky just looks so unreal it’s ugly, the buildings are a nice idea, but the same effect could have been achieved probably with just some contrast/color adjustion.

    I can appreciate HDR, but I think not in the way it’s used here.. sorry mate.


    everybody has their own opinion… i appreciate that

    but I am can’t agree that ‘the same effect could have been achieved probably with just some contrast/color adjustion’. HDR (high dynamic range imaging) is a set of techniques that allows a greater dynamic range of exposures (the range of values between light and dark areas) than normal digital imaging techniques. The intention of HDR is to accurately represent the wide range of intensity levels found in real scenes ranging from direct sunlight to shadows. So these pictures might look unreal… but I like them.

    I just wants to know opinion about HDR generally and my pic is just example..


    Personally I think this is a photo with great potential – but ruined by the HDR conversion. The sky just looks unreal and doesn’t match up at all with the warm colours on the buildings in my opinion. I don’t mean to be harsh and I know its personal preference – there are loads of Flickr groups that would love this – but to me the scene is unnatural and didn’t benefit at all from the HDR techniques. As I’ve said though its a beautiful location and I would be very interested in seeing the original exposed image file if you were willing to post it for comparison?


    I use a lot of HDR myself, but prefer a slightly more subtle approach. Many will love the vibrancy of this, but the sky is too dark for the foreground for me so the balance doesn’t work (in my opinion). Pin sharp and great detail though.

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