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  • KPM

    In honour of the impending visit to Croker next week (sadly for the wrong reasons for us Dubs!!) here are a couple of shots taken the other night at my local GAA match (we lost – again !).

    Just throwing these up without any adjustment at all apart from crop & usm.

    This was the first time using my new 18-200 Nikon DX VR11 lens so still getting to grips with it. Shot at ISO 400.





    I like both of the shots. I do think that they both could do with a smaller DOF to realy bring out the action form the background.

    Other than that you captured the essence of the game in particular in the second shot.


    I’m sorry to say it, but both shots are just too busy. There’s too much going on in the background to really make the players or action stand out. Ideally a longer focal length should be used and/or a wider aperture if possible. If you were limited to the 18-200mm, then try and position yourself in such a way as to not have clutter/crowd in the background. I stand beside the goalie for shots like these as there’s usually no crowd behind the opposite goal post and even if there are, they’re sufficiently far enough away to be satisfactorily out of focus. Another tip would be to get down from eye level. If you look at most pro photographers at football games, they shoot from their knees. Primarily it’s so they don’t block the view from the crowd behind them but it’s also because shots from eye level are seldom pleasing to the eye.


    Thanks for the feedback folks.

    In reality they were just snapshots, as I was covering something elso for the club at the time, however, you both have given me some very good pointers which I might try at the next match if I make it there.
    Unfortunately I am a bit limited with the lens, although I’m very happy with the first run out with it, it has a minimum aperture of 5.6 when full length (200mm) so its difficult to get rid of the background. Despite the all round perfomance its not ideally suited to sports photography.
    Hopefully Santa will give me the 80-200mm F2.8 this Christmas (even if it is second hand).



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