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frost using bellows and a pentacon 35mm

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frost using bellows and a pentacon 35mm

  • snapperaaron

    Diamond Frost by SnapperAaron, on Flickr

    The composition is not the best but I am pretty pleased with the result. I used a pentax bellows and a pentacon 35mm lens. Given the working depth of field is minute and the lens is manual with the focus confirm failing on the pk-eos adapter I am pretty pleased that I got anything in focus!

    miki g

    The crystals are nicely captured with nice lighting. Working at such high magnification is very difficult to get focus correct due to the very narrow DOF & dark image. Lots of guys use image stacking to extend DOF, but it doesn’t always work out as even a tiny amount of movement between frames will not allow proper lining up. Well done


    Thanks. The positive reaction has made me smile. Now just to show off I paid 50 euro for the pentacon and 12 euro for the bellows. The cheapest macro kit I could assemble!

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


    Lovely. Perhaps a little lift in exposure and contrast might just sexy it up a bit. Play around with the crop, theres a nice Christmas card in there!!

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