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Do photos have to be sent to papers early?

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Do photos have to be sent to papers early?

  • JustExposin

    Are newspaper made up early in the day? I have had a few photos published but also a few were not even though there was a story about the area and the issue. The ones not published were sent in late in the evening for a next day story. Could that explain it? Do they have to set it up early to print. I understood they don’t print till early in the morning

    Thanks for the help…I get paid when published


    Usually the first edition of the next day paper is set by 8pm. Your deadline really is 7:45pm. Anything after that is usually not considered for the first edition. Some papers don’t have different editions though, so if you don’t make the deadline, you don’t make the paper.


    Best would be to check with the paper(s) you are submitting to. I occasionally submit photos and articles for my local soccer club to a weekly newspaper. They for example need them in by Tuesday midday for publication on a Thursday. Another daily I’ve worked with need them sunday by 6pm to make the Tuesday sports special.


    Thanks for replies guys. Have noted about the 7,45 deadline.


    Usually it’s not a simple as A DEADLINE, if you think about it logically, any organisation has a limited amount of resources and they have to be allocated across the whole product.
    For example if a paper has 30 pages and 10 editorial staff working on it, that’s three full pages per head in an 8 hour day. Every page cannot be left until “the deadline”, so what typically happens is that various pages are prioritised and given rolling deadlines throughout the day, and only a couple of pages are held open ’till the Actual Deadline. The reality is that the last pages will be held for the Latest / biggest stories and all others have a much earlier deadline.
    Bottom line: Get the pictures in ASAP!


    Got another payment since last posting….Thanks for the help

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