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At Lunch

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At Lunch

  • nfl-fan

    Strolling back the long way from Gunns with me new thermometer in me arse pocket and me 21mp 9FPS HD-Video Holga around me neck –

    Alternative Transport

    Winston Churchill reads the paper

    Looking Cool

    Big Sax

    Nice idea, but nobody bothers to refill the dispensers


    That alternative transport one nearly worked out so well-

    Nice set- if I had an overall comment, it’s that perhaps you’re a bit too tall-
    bending your kneees might have helped a few of these-

    Still, good distance for the street stuff,
    good to know that you’re not afraid to look a little ridiculous to your subjects close up-

    Using a DSLR recently, someone came up to me and asked which paper I was from-
    When I told her I was doing it for myself, she couldn’t understand,
    and kept pressing me for the reason-

    ‘It’s like, Art’, I told her-
    so she said ‘so then you paint them?’

    I went back to snapping, but if I had been using a Holga,
    I’m sure nobody would have come up to me and said
    ‘which hospital are you from?’

    Alan Rossiter

    Nothing wrong with your Holga then. You’ve a “better” fall-off at the edges than I have too.

    Careful you don’t sit down with that thermometer stuck in your pocket…


    Cheers gents.

    Yes… “Alternative Transport” was nearly there… not a lot of time to think and prepare on that one.

    I’ve two more rolls to develop… it was a strange experience, I just got into one of those moods where people were going to have their photo taken whether they liked it or not… it’s strange the way people react… one chap smiled, one bloke took a side step as if it was going to make a difference, two others gents got the hump… and then there are others who just carry on as if you were’nt there.

    Attracting the attention of ladies again Joseph? I’ve had the “what paper are you working for?” question a couple of times too.

    2 thermometers dropped and broken in as many weeks Wonk… no mercury spillages though… the latest is going to be cared for like a baby in future.

    Thanks again.


    nice set john,
    saw these on your f pages!
    yea that first could have been class a second later.

    i got asked by a hoodie during the week . . .

    ‘what are you taking the picture for’

    ‘i cant tell ya, you will see it in the paper . . .’

    ‘what paper?’

    ‘galway advertiser’

    ‘ah go on what are ya takin the picture for’

    ‘listen mate im only kiddin, its just for meself . . ‘

    ‘tut . . . whats the point . . ‘ as he walks Away. . .

    some people just dont get it.

    joseph, thats a classic !


    Great collection of images, Holga portraits are so difficult mainly because of the focusing, you have done really well here a couple of really good ones. Nice lens on that Holga.

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