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Angela & Mark’s wedding

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Angela & Mark’s wedding

  • johnnycorcoran

    Hi Johnny,

    for me 1, 3 and 4 are not sharp and the mono for no. 4 is very flat and lacking contrast.

    5, 6, 7 and 8 are over exposed. The sky in 6 is completely blown out as is the brides hair in 5.

    8 and 9 are also over exposed so that the detail in the dress (which is extremely important) is gone.

    Compositionally the first is neither here nor there. Whats the subject. By cutting out the face you are saying that the bouquet is the subject but that is completely OOF.

    The couple in the 6th image are the subject so why include so much extra (overexposed) space around them. Get in tighter and cut out the unnecessary real estate.

    Not sure what you are going for in 7 as I think the couple are too small in the frame and the wooden pier is now the subject.

    The 9th I am assuming the hands are the subject but by cutting off the brides face it looks like you missed the shot you were after.

    So I am afraid none of these shots work for me.

    Mark S.


    Cheers.. seems you and me have different taste.. im more of a life style shooter.
    Just saw your website, seems you like alittle too dark, and i like brighter. Im the same, none of your photos on the web work for me, everyone different! I can’t tell you about your photos, its YOUR type, and I respect that.

    Im very happy with those shot as I put those up to show off my proud work, didnt ask for feedback!

    As all of those shots arent about the two of them, its about them and what around them. its important to get wooden pier, hands,detail,etc everything, its for the couples AND the magazines interesting in close up hands, shoes, etc!

    Who say that every photos HAVE to be sharp, Not a great idea to have it all the photos in sharp (too much, too much, too much) the sky in 6, i can see perfect hair or dress in it, nothing blown out! I always check the dress and hair, even I use the LCD screen colour correction every 2 months. so all detail still there! Never know its your screen might need to get check(good to share as never know) For number 7, I havent missed the shot, this is the shot i wanted! Got an offer from UK wanted to buy those image for their wedding magazine :-)

    So far! Im happy with those :-) Again, thanks for the comment!

    Jay Doherty

    best of good stuff Johnny. I’d say that bride will love them. Great use of energy, colours, and tells a great story.

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